Designer of type, brands
and digital experiences

Senior Experience Designer
Oct 2023 – Present
Pilot Lab —
Senior Designer
Nov 2019 – Sep 2023
Digital Product Designer
Nov 2017 – Nov 2019
Fjord —
Visual Designer
Dec 2015 – Nov 2017
Petr Krejci Photography —
Creative Assitant
May 2014 – Sep 2014
Goldsmiths' University—
B.A. Design
2012 – 2015
Practising graphic and experience designer for clients including Apple, Google, Spotify, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Samsung. Working at the intersection of brand & technology in my day job, whilst delving into the esoteric world of professional type design at night.

My latest release, Dockland, is currently published by the talented and wonderful team over at TypeMates. Occasionally, I take on side-projects and freelance work, so  get in touch if you’ve got something interesting.
Site colophon:
Montague Slab by Florian Karsten
Fern Text by DJR
Chaumont Script by Timothée Gouraud & Alexandre Bassi